Article: Jesus is Healing though Open Visions
week, I knew that Jesus wanted me to demonstrate His desire to
heal in miraculous ways, through open visions.
I simply impart faith to
believe that Jesus will appear to the receiver and heal him --
through his spiritual eyes, spiritual ears, spiritual senses
and/or through spiritual touch. (See Acts 2:17 and Joel
2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour
out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your
young men shall see visions.)
We pray binding
every other spirit that might try to interfere
and then we invite Jesus to come and to heal any area that still
needs more healing. Jesus comes in an open vision,
takes them to the wound, melts their walls, heals the hurt and
imparts new life to them. (When Jesus heals, they are healed!)
All I do is ask a couple questions and take notes, as they
dictate the vision to me.!
Demonstration of healing through an open vision:
I asked for a volunteer receiver and
explained the above. I prayed a protection prayer and then asked
the receiver to command his mind to rest, to operate out of his
spirit and to fix his eyes on Jesus. I explained that
Prayer Ministry is not just about praying to Jesus but
also about receiving from Jesus in prayer believing He is
true to His Word.
Why don't you just fix your eyes on Jesus and invite
Him to come and to heal any area that still needs healing. Don't
try to think or to figure anything out. Just wait and He will
(Prayed to invite Jesus to any area of his life and waited about
one minute.) Jesus is taking me back to when I was a boy... I am
there. I am talking to my mother about my Dad.... I am hurting
because my brothers and sisters know who their Dads are but I
don't know who mine is. I am so angry because all she ever tells
me is his name and no more. I am angry again because she won't
talk about him.
Jesus has taken you to this anger, so go there.
I am so angry that she won't tell me where he is. I am angry
because I feel like I am nobody. All my brothers and sisters
know who their Dads are. She never married my Dad. I don't know
who I am .... ....
Where is Jesus?
He is standing there listening .... Now he is showing
me that I have bitterness against my Dad. Sometimes, I hate him.
Why hasn't he come around since the day I was born? Why can't I
even meet him? Why doesn't he want to know his son? Sometimes, I
feel like I hate him but I have never met him. Sometimes, I am
angry at God too....
You are doing good. Just pour out your heart to Jesus.
(He tells Jesus about all the difficulties he had trying to
become a young man without a father -- for about 10 minutes. He
sits there staring silently, looking very sad and abandoned. )
What is Jesus doing now?
Jesus is showing me that I am angry because I have
tried to meet my Dad for 30 years. Even since I have been in
prison, I have written letters trying to locate him. My sisters
have helped me and they did finally find him, not 45 minutes
from here. They got his address and I wrote him a letter
introducing myself.... I sent him pictures of me and my
family.... I told him how much I have always wanted to meet
him.... I told him how I have invited Jesus into my life and I
am a changed man now.... I invited him to come to see me here at
the prison....
Jesus is showing me
my hatred for my Dad because he never even opened my letter. He
just wrote "Return to Sender." I don't want to hate him but
sometimes I do. Why doesn't he come here to see me? I don't want
to have hatred and bitterness in my life!
Would you like to ask Jesus to take the anger, hatred
and bitterness?
Yes. (He prays and asks Jesus to take it all.)
I can see Jesus
holding my heart in His hands. I don't see all of Jesus now,
only His hands. My heart is in His hands, just my heart -- no
veins or anything. He is just holding my heart and healing it.
Now, I feel an unbelievable peace coming over me. An
indescribable peace. Everything is OK now. He is flooding me
with peace.
What about the anger, hatred and bitterness now?
It is all gone, all gone.
You don't have to say that for my sake. Really now. On a scale
of 0-10, how is the anger now?
I am serious. It is 100% gone. Jesus has taken it all! Its OK
now. I don't have to be angry and bitter anymore.
When Jesus comes with His healing touch, He completely heals
doesn't He? When Jesus heals, He usually does something very
simple, like holding your heart, and says very little. He
doesn't say much but what He does is 100% effective. You can
invite Him back into your heart anytime, any day. He is always
willing to meet with you and to touch areas of your life.
Actually, He may
even be able to pray for your Father more effectively through
you now. He may give you words of knowledge about his weaknesses
and needs. You will be able to intercede for him more
effectively now that your prayers will be more about him and
less about you....
Satan's plan was to
gain access to our lives "while we were down" by attacking us
with deep hurts and offense. While we were in pain, he infected
us with lies about the offender, ourselves and even about God.
His goal was to isolate us from others, from God and even to
separate us from our true selves. Jesus came to heal us, body -
soul - and spirit, to heal the broken hearted. With our
salvation, we have forgiveness of sins and healing.
If we ask Jesus for
a fish, He will not give us a snake. If we ask Him to come to us
and to heal us, He will. He is coming to heal in an open vision
now more often than any other way that I know of. He does all
things well.
Restoration Prayer
Ministry is not about short commanding prayers or long analytic
ones. It is not visualization where the receiver is told what to
visualize. It is not like Theophostic where you identify the
original hurt and lie etc., not about praying over every curse
and ungodly belief, and not like topical Christian analytic
counseling. Restoration Prayer Ministry is transformation
ministry that includes healing hurts simply inviting Jesus to
come in an 'open vision" and to do whatever He wants to do!
Jesus is given complete freedom to heal, melt walls, deliver,
impart truth or whatever He knows is best.