Join us as Prophets Carlotta Waldmann and Rita Philips
offer Personal Prophetic Ministry on Cross Walk Talk Radio
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Our personal prophetic ministry programs definitely have the greatest number of callers than any other programs on Cross Walk Talk Radio. After praying, Prophet Rita Philips and I have decided to offer personal prophetic ministry at least monthly. These programs will be on Thursdays 9-11pm ET, when we are both available, at least for now.
Personal prophetic prayer prophesying the heart of the Lord for each caller and often includes confirmation, exhortation, consolation and impartation. God not only speaks through prophecy but imparts His love, grace, vision and power to accomplish His will.
Prophetic ministry is offered to all the callers, taking the first time callers first. Some have received direction for relationships, business, training or mentoring and others received direction for ministry. Some receive healing for their identity and see who they are in Him and their important contributions in the body of Christ. The Lord of Hosts was at work destroying the works of the devil and setting people free.
Guidelines: Receiving personal prophecy
Immediately write out your personal prophecy. You can record your Word as you listen or go to the archives and download it later. Read, say out loud and meditate upon your prophecy to understand and have fuller meanings open up to us that are not apparent at first. We will want to receive all that God intends. 1Tim. 4:14, 15 states that we should not neglect the gift that is in us by prophecy so we will want to re-visit our prophecy frequently (weekly is recommended). Prov. 24:6, Deut. 29:29, James 1:21, 3:17, Mt. 21:21, Ps. 34:2
According to Rom. 8:16 we need to witness with the prophecy by the Holy Spirit in us (does it ring true in our own spirit where Holy Spirit abides; so we sense life in it). In conjunction with this is judging and weighing the word of personal prophecy by established Biblical principles (according to the Word of God). Included in establishing our prophecy is discussing our prophecy with our leaders (even if they are the ones who gave the prophecy or it was given in their presence). We will want wise counsel for our victory and safety. Prov. 24:6
Receive your prophecy with faith, humility, meekness, vision and an open heart. Faith is having confidence that God does have a personal plan for your life and only your best interest at heart because He is your awesome. Heb. 4:2, Deut. 29:29, James 1:21, 3:17, Mt. 21:21, Ps. 34:2
Waging a good warfare with your prophecy is next. 1 Tim. 1:18, 19 We are to declare and decree our prophecy so that we may (v. 19) hold fast to faith. We will need to believe and have faith for our prophecy to come to fruition just as Abraham didn’t grow weak in faith as he gave praise and glory to God fully persuaded that what God had promised (Abraham was the father of many nations) He was able to perform and would deliver. Rom. 4:16-21 So, thanking God and praising Him for the manifestation of the prophecy is also part of our warfare.
Act upon your prophetic word when you have received confirmation and counsel. Do nothing different unless definitely directed following all directions to the detail and cooperating with God, neither going ahead of Him nor lagging behind. Examples: David, 1 Sam. 16:13, Jehu, 2 Kings 9, and Jehosaphat, 2 Chron. 20, Matt. 13:18,23
Wait patiently upon your prophetic word as timing is very important. Is. 40:31. Ps. 27:14, 37:7, Hos. 12:6, Heb. 6:11,12 When patience is not applied and when we don’t wait on the Lord we may produce an Ishmael like Abraham and Sara (a counterfeit, not of God) or simply negate our prophecy like Saul, who, anointed by the Lord as King ended up losing that position.
We must be developed before our ministry is manifested. If our Lord had to be equipped by having human experience for His office as High Priest then we will need to be perfected as well. Heb. 2:6-10 Jesus was prepared for 30 years for only 3 years of earthly ministry.
Fulfillment of personal prophecy is always conditional on the receiver's response, such as personal commitment, integrity, steps of obedience, God’s timing and other factors such as are impressed upon your spirit by Holy Spirit. We must choose to persevere and not despise our prophecies by staying thankful. 1 Thess. 5: 18-20
Guidelines: Discerning Personal Prophetic Ministry
All personal prophecy must be judged by proven prophetic principles. We recommend that you consult with mature spiritual leadership regarding your prophetic word. Often your leadership will be of great help in interpretation.
Personal prophecy is partial, progressive and conditional. What you will receive will only be part of God's counsel for your life. You must be obedient to the part you have received from God if you are to progress into further revelation. Disobedience can nullify your prophetic word.
Prophecy does not authenticate character. The absence of rebuke or correction in a prophetic word in no way justifies the character or lifestyle of the individual receiving it. Not because God fails to mention a particular sin does it mean that He either doesn't know or doesn't care. Personal prophecy was never given for the purpose of exposing people's sins. We don't judge our "correctness" by personal prophecy, but by the Word of God.
Be aware of prophetic terminology and tenses. Words such as "now," "today," "soon," "tomorrow," "new," and others may mean something entirely different from what we had imagined. Stay open to God and seek wise counsel. Something prophesied in the present tense may actually refer to something in the future, and vice versa.
Don't make major decisions based on a prophetic word. It was never God's intent for you to be led by prophecy, but to be "led by the Spirit" (Romans 8:14). Don't neglect God's Word, prayer, wisdom, mature counsel and your inward spiritual witness when making major decisions.
All revelation is subject to the authority of God's written Word (Bible). Let the Word of God have the final authority in your life in doctrine, belief, life and conduct.
Keep a record of your personal prophecies. Don't just read it once and discard it, but use it to strategically focus your prayers for spiritual breakthrough. Use the same principles of Scripture to establish faith for results.
Never use personal prophecy to justify a personal decision, position or action. This is called spiritual pride and can lead to deception. Be careful that you do not allow your personal desires, wants and aspirations to cloud or influence your judgment and ability to properly interpret and respond to God's word for your life.
Don't be too quick to judge a prophetic word as false. There are many variables that go into making a prophetic word come to pass. Remember, all prophecy is conditional. Timing, prayer, faith, obedience and preparation are also key issues.
Things may go completely opposite of what was prophesied to you for a season. Things may get worse before they get better after having received a prophetic word, though not always. Patiently hold fast to the promises of God (Hebrews 6:11, 12).
Personal prophecy is not limited to confirmation. There is a school of thought that teaches that personal prophecy should always be a confirmation. There is no Scriptural precedent for such a position. Although this might be the ideal, it is definitely not the real. If you hear something that is totally new to you, seek God for further clarity and confirmation. If necessary, shelve it, but don't discard it.
Present-day prophets are not infallible. Even a true prophet is capable of making mistakes or mixing a true word with error. Just as we should never accept a false prophet because of a true prophecy, we should never reject a true prophet because of a false prophecy. If after careful judgment part or all of your prophetic word is found to be inaccurate, then bring it to our attention in a spirit of meekness rather than condemnation. Remember Paul's admonition to "Prove (test) all things; hold fast to that which is good" (1 Thess. 5: 21)
For more information about the prophetic, see articles on Hearing God in the left site menu at or go to Role of Prophets Today .