I Renounce Satan’s
Lies I Receive God’s Truth
Whatever God says is not true.
God is truth. I invite Him to
show me truth. I choose to know Father God
God is unfaithful and doesn’t
answer me.
I choose to be willing to seek
Father God’s face and to know His faithfulness.
What if I belong to Satan? to
I choose to live in the light
and Truth and struggle there vs. in the darkness.
Jesus Christ won’t heal me.
I choose to open my eyes and
ears to the love and healing power of Jesus Christ.
I don’t believe that God loves
It scares me when I think that
Father God is love and I can’t do a thing to earn
His love.
God is distant and at fault for
I choose to believe God is a
personal God and to believe He has my best interest
at heart.
There are many holy books; they
are not true.
I receive the Holy Bible as
Truth: the only inerrant, infallible, inspired Word
of God.
Satan tortures me; God doesn’t
Father God offers me unlimited
grace and undeserved favor when I choose Him as my
Jesus Christ offers me hope
then disappoints me.
Jesus Christ sustains me with
new vision, hope and will never let me go or reject
God is not creator. I don’t owe
Him anything.
I am accountable to my loving
Creator who welcomes me. His love constrains me to
God sets me up to fail, then
punishes me.
God loves me and has my best
interest at heart. He makes a way of escape from
I can’t feel God’s love; He
wants to kill me.
I embrace His love; I die to my
selfishness, self-proclaimed purpose, destiny and
There are many God’s.
There is one True Holy God, who
alone is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.
We can all evolve into Gods.
I live in a one power universe.
Every other being is a created being. I am under His
I will be like God -
controlling my own life.
I am accountable to Father God,
who alone is eternal and I bow my knee to Him in
I take care of myself; God is
not dependable.
I am grateful to Father God for
all His benefits. I am His precious child and
dependent on Him.
I must earn God’s approval but
I can’t.
I am loved and accepted
unconditionally apart from my performance and good
I must be my own Savior.
Jesus Christ alone is perfect,
willing and able to take my sins and punishment upon
I served Satan; God will send
me to Hell.
I have the freedom to choose
life, Father God, love, salvation, Heaven or to
choose Hell.
If I make Jesus Lord, He will
force me to ___.
Love is not love if it is
forced; Jesus Christ is a gentleman who loves me to
I cannot handle love; it will
destroy me.
Father God will not destroy my
identity but will complete, heal and restore my
God will crush my personality.
Father God is life and
resurrects a new spirit in me that can love and be
God will set me up to hope and
then destroy.
Love only destroys that which
is not love and not pure.
I could never live the
Christian life.
Jesus Christ offers to live the
life from inside me, in power and love, as I abide
in Him.
Satan may be able to block my
I have invited in Jesus as my
Lord and have had a spirit transplant. I am his
child forever.
God is out to criticize and
condemn me.
Father God lets me share in the
glory when I succeed and takes my punishment when I
God is an evil parent who is
Father God embraces me and can
only act in love to me. I am spent in sacrificial
love too.
God holds my mistakes and sins
over my head.
When I confess my sin, Father
God forgives and forgets – as if it never happened.
God will take away my freedom.
Jesus Christ sets me free to be
all that I was created to be, in my full inheritance
as His child.
God will let me be persecuted
even if I obey.
I embrace the cup of Jesus
Christ’s suffering and rejoice in persecution for
righteousness sake.
God withholds from me and
shames me.
Father God desires to fill me
with His Holy Spirit, His gifts, His fruit, His
power and His glory.
God does not answer all my
I choose to believe that Father
God knows what is best; I accept His way, will and
I tried tithing to God and was
not blessed.
I give out of gratitude to
Father God and to build His Kingdom, with no strings
God will use me and abuse me.
I am a bondservant, giving my
all to build the Kingdom of God, asking nothing in
I am evil and have sinned
Father God chose to love and
forgive me when I was His enemy and cared nothing
about Him.
If I make Jesus my Master, He
will kill me.
Jesus Christ, as Master, will
tutor me in all Truth with patience and kindness and
never hurt me.
Jesus did not stop my evil
Teach me your ways oh God and I
will embrace your love, leaving justice to you.
How can a loving God allow
Father God created us all with
free choice because love is not love if it has no
God is small and we do not need
Father God is my source, is my
hope and I trust Him for miraculous intervention in
my life.
God has not answered all my
In all eternity, I may not
understand who God is because He is God and I am
Recovery will take years or is
When I make Jesus Christ my
Lord, His power and anointing breaks every yoke and
I must be God and will sidestep
His love.
Draw me unto you oh, Lord.
Purify my motives and attitudes. Let us run
I can masterfully save myself.
Jesus Christ is God, come to
earth, to offer me His life in exchange for mine,
when I have nothing.
We are all sons of God as much
as Jesus is.
In the beginning Jesus Christ
created me in His image: body, soul and spirit – yet
one person.
I can create independently of
I am a created being; the
Creator of the universe is living within me and
though me.
Knowledge and information will
save me.
The wisdom of the Holy Spirit
is living within me because I meditate on the Word
of God daily.
I am garbage and without
I am His beloved, cherished,
the apple of His eye, precious in His site, chosen
and authorized to be an expression of His heart to
the hungry.