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Tenets of Our Faith
Video: Leadership School

Video: 2006 Highlights
Video: Spiritual Roots

Video: NowFaith Training
Video: Prophetic Schools
Audio: Hearing God Stories



What is NowFaith.TV?
Holy Ghost Outpouring
Women as Ministry Leaders

Sowing In Good Ground?Post Abortion Stress
Spirit of Egyptian Bondage

End-Times Declarations
NEW Healing Declarations
Christianity Come Alive

OUR Great Commission
Training Center in Africa?International Trng Schools
Supernatural Evangelism
Destiny Blockers
When is Anger OK?
Renounce Satan's Lies

Want to Know Him?

Resolutions/ Declarations

Stir Up Spiritual Gifts
Rhema Word Devotions
MUSIC Spiritual Warfare
MUSIC Embrace the Cross
MUSIC Power of the Cross


NowFaith Generation
NWO_Prophetic Prayer
Are YOU Dead or Alive?
Are You a New Creation?

Christ Our All in All
Sharing with Muslims  
Overcoming Fear of Evil

Speaking Rhema & Logos

Tearing Down Strongholds

Sample Prophetic Word
Restoration of Basic Trust

RPM - What is it?
RPM vs. Secular Analysis
RPM Keys to Release
RPM Application

Bible Verses on RPM

What is Restoration
My Testimony of Healing
Christian Commitment

Christian Book Reviews

Healing w Open Visions

Open Vision of Our King

Tear Down Strongholds
Healing Prayer Ministries
What is Restoration?

How We See God
Knowing God's Will 
SOS Sow or Speak Respect
TEST Yourself


Elijah House School Online
Elijah House Testimonies
School Curriculum
Student Bulletin
Registration Online

40 Day Prayer Strategy

Releasing God's Favor
Holy Ghost Outpouring
Taking Dominion Again
Open Spiritual Eyes
Who I Am Strategy
Download Strongholds

Personal Prophetic Ministry
Prayers Heal the Heart
Issue-Focused RPM
Seminar Testimonies
Personal Purpose

Communion With God

Tear Down Strongholds
Prophetic Ministry
Activating Spiritual Gifts
Eight Healing Prayers
Healing Abuse
Restoring the Family
How to Hear God's Voice
Video: Internships
Audio: Interview Intern
Qualities in Mentorees

1-2 Month Internships
3-6 Month Internships
Mentoring Opportunities

Cyber-Missions with CWL

How You Can Volunteer
Call to Discipleship

Resident Office Assistant
  Communion with God
Breaking Free Prayers
Spiritual Gifts
Tearing Down Strongholds
Healing Survivors
Restoring Relationships
Ministry for Mind Control
Healing Dissociation

Healing Your Identity

Are Prophets for Today?
Prophetic Guidelines
Interpreting Prophecies
Can Sheep Hear God?
Open Spiritual Eyes

How to Hear God's Voice

4 Keys Hear God's Voice
Spiritual Discernment
Carlotta's Search 4 God
A Prophetic People
God's Voice: Testimonies Test Personal Prophecy
Prophetic Radio Programs

Purpose Driven Life
What Does God Want?

Becoming a War-Bride
Swing the Sword!
Christian Commitment
Resurrection or Hoax?

New Age or Jesus?

Is Jesus Really Messiah?
Why Did Jesus Come?

Did Jesus Have to Die?

Know Jesus Christ

How God Became Man
Passion of the Christ
What is Born Again?

Messianic Prophecies
Prove Jesus is Messiah

2000-2007 ARCHIVES




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Help fulfill the Great Commission
Matthew 28:19-20



Cross Walk Life Prayer Box Contact Us Favorite INSIGHTS

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Copyright 2000 Carlotta Waldmann Cross Walk Life, Inc. 501 (c)(3)

Cross Walk Life, Inc. is here to provide insights, healing, teaching and training,
so that you can develop a more intimate relationship with Father God and have
the passion of Christ, to be equipped to fulfill your God given destiny.


Info on Seminars Seminar Comments Schedule a Local Seminar

Seminar Highlights
WEBCAM Seminar International Schools

CLICK to watch/hear workshop testimonies!

You choose when, where, what and who!
Teach, train, activate, mature and equip!

Call 850-830-8584
to Register

"Issue-Focused Ministry Activation" - 2 days
Train your own Prayer Ministry Team for more effective ministry and discipleship. This training is ideal for Pastoral staff, altar ministers and prayer counseling minister who often minister to one issue at a time. In just 16 hours you can receive teaching, training and activation in Restoration Prayer Ministry and learn how to minister to spiritual roots vs. surface symptoms.

Learn how to identify the most common "open doors" to ungodly beliefs, hurts and bondage and the correlating keys to freedom. Practice more thorough prayer strategies that will increase your effectiveness. You will be activated in new methods of prayer ministry to seven common areas during your small group practice, immediately after observing live demonstrations and instruction!

"Personal Prophetic Ministry Training"
How to Hear God's Voice for Personal Prophetic Ministry.
Learning how to hear God's voice for others will be "the first day of the rest of your life!" Learning how to hear God's voice for others is key to every type of ministry and business alike. Each session has 45 minutes of teaching and 45 minutes of ministry activation where you will practice ministering God's Rhema words to other students. Your faith will grow by leaps and bounds as you find that you can get accurate words of wisdom, words of knowledge and prophetic words in this corporate prophetic anointing. Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice." CLICK for info on personal prophetic ministry schools
Also click to hear "Carlotta"s Search to Hear God's Voice"

"Understanding Your Personality Style" - 1 day
The number one reason many people fail is that they cannot get along with others. Identify your personality style, your strengths, fears and weaknesses. Learn how you impact others, how to best relate to leaders with other styles and how to lead people with other styles. Host this training seminar for your membership and Christian Counselors. Enjoy more effective fulfilling relationships! Take the DISC Insights Test and receive pages of insights from The Institute for Motivational Living.

"Personal Purpose Seminar" - 4 hrs
The purpose of these workshops are to assist you in writing your personal purpose, based on a clear understanding of your own core qualities and what you are motivated to offer to others, regardless of your environment. Knowing your personal purpose will enable you to live a more meaningful life as you understand your God-given core motivations and make conscious choices that line up with your purpose. Call to schedule your group.

"Spiritual Gifts Activations" - 2 hrs each session
If you are operating in spiritual gifts, you will be stretched to grow further in a safe, non-threatening atmosphere. Understand all the gifts better and activate them in small group practice. For 45 minutes, you will learn Biblical guidelines and protocol in the proper use of spiritual gifts combined with practical experience ministering spiritual gifts to others. Then for another 45 minutes students will minister words of knowledge, words of wisdom or personal prophecy, under supervision of a seasoned prophet. Activate in all spiritual gifts as the Holy Spirit leads!

"Tearing Down Personal Strongholds" 5 - 8
In 5 - 8 meetings, we carefully expose 8 of the most common strongholds, that every member can see their particular way of manifesting them for the enemy. Overcome personal strongholds of incurable illness, unforgiveness, jealousy, unworthiness, rejection cycles, fear, anxiety, accusation, charismatic witchcraft, religious control and pride. Learn how to respond in the Spirit in new ways, instead of reacting with the same old automatic reactions. Click picture for details.
This seminar is a great precursor to revival!

"Dreams and Visions" - 1 day
From Genesis to Revelation, God has spoken to people through dreams and visions! But Satan has tried to make us afraid of using our spiritual senses, hoping to make us paranoid. As we repent of quenching the Spirit of God and present our spiritual eyes to Him for His use, He will release insight and revelation in the night season as He has always done in the Bible. Learn Biblical principles of dream interpretation and how the Holy Spirit speaks to us through dreams and visions.

"Healing Prayer" - 1-2 days
Learn how to partner with Jesus Christ to discern who needs healing through words of knowledge like Jesus did. Wouldn't you like to be able to discern spiritual roots to illness, to command spirits of infirmity to leave and to command healing or creative miracles as Jesus did? Through hands on ministry activations, you will learn to own your inherited spiritual power and authority and how to let Jesus Christ live through you.. Healing Prayer is effective to bring healing to any area - body, soul or spirit. When the Holy Spirit leads us to declare God's Word, the Holy Spirit will also rush to perform it. Jehovah Rapha, the only true spiritual Healer, will fill you with His Holy Spirit and enable you to hear His voice and to fulfill your God given destiny. Click picture for details.

"Healing SRA, Child Abuse & Identity" - 2 days
This seminar is about healing for survivors of cult trauma, serial ritual abuse, satanic ritual abuse, spiritual abuse, sexual abuse or child abuse and for those who are called to learn to minister to them. Many times, during our healing process, we come face to face with forgotten memories. We chose to forget them because they were too painful to deal with. Now that we are in a safer place, these memories will start to come forward in order to be healed. We want the healing but we don't want to relive the pain. Learn how to partner with Jesus to heal every wound, no matter how deep - without having to analyze them and relive all the pain. Whatever God reveals, He will also heal. This seminar is for believers only and will be in a confidential location.

"Restoring Relationships" - 8 sessions
This is an ideal series for churches, individuals, inmates and families! We use John and Paula Sandford's book "Restoring the Christian Family" and other resources. This is not the same old same old. You will use these transforming handouts and insights in ministry of all kinds in your Christian Education.

  • Healing childhood wounds

  • Transforming hearts of stone

  • One in Spirit with Him

  • Our differences - Our strengths

  • Importance of Fathers

  • Roots of Bitterness

  • Negative Expectations

  • The Law or the Spirit?

"How to Hear God's Voice" - Fri. pm to Sat. am
God has revealed four keys that opened the door to two-way prayer in Hab.2:1-2. They have worked for thousands of believers who have been taught to use them, bringing tremendous intimacy to their Christian experience and transforming their very way of living. Men and women throughout the Bible learned how to hear God’s voice and there is a deep hunger within us all to commune with God and hear Him speak within our hearts. You will learn how to still yourself and tune into the flow of the Spirit of God as you fix your eyes on Jesus and write the insights or that He reveals to you. Hear "4 Keys to Hear God's Voice Interview with Dr. Mark"

Healing for Fractured Identities - 9 hrs
Experience deeper wholeness as you practice praying 8 prayers tailored to heal fractured identities and healing from all kinds of abuse, rejection, abandonment or damaged self-esteem.

  • Breaking patterns of loyalty to abuse

  • Breaking chains of ungodly soul ties

  • Replacing negative fearful expectations

  • Renouncing inner vows born out of hurt

  • Releasing your shut down emotions

  • Breaking word curses (by us or others)

  • Deliverance from bondage and oppression

  • Maintaining your freedom prayers

Take this TEST to see if you still need healing.

For RA/MC see below

Click here to read
Training Seminar

Advanced Registration
Required For All
Schools and Seminars!

Designed for local Churches
to enhance your Christian Education Ministry

Relationship Transformation Series - 5 sessions or weekly
The Relationship Transformation Series is ideal to begin corporate healing in groups.

  • How we see God - Bitter Root Judgments - Slumbering Spirit - Prenatal Wounds - Hearts of Stone - How to Minister Effectively

  • Hands-on small group ministry and prayer each session

  • How to pray Cross Walk Prayers, closing all doors to the enemy paving the way for relationship transformation.

Restoration Prayer Ministry Appointments at your ministry
Cross Walk Life will support your ministry by taking prayer counseling ministry appointments at your church on specific days. We will submit to the Pastoral oversight and support the vision of the church, as we help you rebuild Biblical foundations in the membership or help provide healing and restoration, through scriptural prayer ministry. We are available part-time or full-time for a season, as needed to reach your goals in growth and training. Contact us for more information..

Sponsor Ministry Training Schools
Train Up Ministers for Your
Christian Education Ministry

How to Hear God's Voice School Ministry Training School
Effective Lay Ministers for your prayer ministry or altar ministry.
Host a church based school that will train your lay ministers to offer membership ministry more effectively. "How to Hear God's Voice," "Counseled by God," and "Prayers That Heal the Heart" are all outstanding courses, written by Dr. Mark Virkler. As your members study and practice ministry together, they will become effective lay ministers for your altar ministry because they will be able to hear God more effectively.
3 semesters *If taken for college credit, registration fees apply.*

Sponsor an Elijah House Ministry Training School!
Restoration Prayer Counseling Ministers for Your Ministry
Raise up restoration prayer counseling teams among your members to enhance your local
Our training seminars will teach and train your new prayer ministers and offer
advanced training on difficult issues to more seasoned Christian counselors. Our
Restoration Prayer Ministry team works with you to transform your membership for revival.

3 sections: 10-13 classes each
Your church can have its own Elijah House Training School to teach members to minister to each other. It is a convenient and very economical way to study with a trained Elijah House facilitator and get immediate ministry to your own needs. You will study 38 issues with the group, and also practice prayer ministry immediately with your small group. We use the ELIJAH HOUSE Training School texts and note taking manuals designed for prayer ministers.
* If taken for college credit, registration fees apply.*

Offered to qualified students with previous prayer counseling ministry training. All those who are interested in joining a prayer ministry team or in receiving advanced training must first receive RPM themselves.

Download our Application for Restoration Prayer Ministry ***

INTERNSHIPS: Restoration Prayer Counseling Ministry
Those called to Restoration Prayer Ministry may apply for mentoring and internship. They will receive Restoration Prayer Counseling ministry, observe and assist as others receive. Those called to teach and train others, may apply for Advanced Training Seminars, Certification in the Elijah House Training for RPM and Internship (over a period of months).