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Must Read Book Reviews

Epic Battles of the Last Days - Joyner
The Bait of Satan - Bevere
Biblical Healing and Deliverance - Kylstra
Transforming the Inner Man - Sandford

Biblical Healing and Deliverance
By Chester and Betsy Kylstra

Chester and Betsy Kylstra have been in full time ministry since 1990 not only as RTF ministers but also as teachers and trainers of individuals and RTF ministry teams worldwide. In 1992, they founded “Proclaiming His Word Ministries Inc.” and in January 2001, they began operation of the Healing House Network to provide training and oversight of RTF ministry teams while at the same time offering a centralized location for the handling of referrals. They oversee the PHW Healing house, training center and are responsible for the development of a number of resources, which help train prayer ministers.

Part one of this book presents the foundational understanding necessary to receiving and imparting RTF ministry. First and foremost, we learn that it is the cross of Jesus Christ that gives power and potency to every area of Christian Ministry but only when we see it through eyes of faith and recognize that it is all about forgiveness and reconciliation between God and us, others, and ourselves. We can apply the cross, by which is meant appropriate by faith, the power to overcome all that the enemy would use to destroy us, to every area of life in which the enemy has gained a foothold.

Secondly, we learn there are no loopholes in God’s law. His laws are always in operation whether we believe or not and to violate them invites natural consequence, pain, spiritual separation from God and demonic oppression. RTF ministry focuses largely on four specific laws of God. They are the laws of sowing and reaping, multiplication, whereby each harvest brings forth more of the same seed, the time of harvest or season of patience necessary before the harvest is ready for reaping, and the law of believing in your heart.

The third foundational concept is that of hearing God’s voice. God promises us that we will know His voice but we must learn to hear and recognize it in all its various forms. These forms fall into the three broad categories of hearing, seeing and feeling. God’s purpose for speaking to us in whichever way He chooses is to reveal the roots of bondage and pain, reveal how to minister to those roots and reveal His plan and purpose for the one receiving ministry.

Next, we are reminded that the enemy is at war against us seeking to destroy us, our minds and our bodies. We must come into agreement with God through His word about the power and authority we have in Christ and the defensive and offensive weapons of spiritual warfare we must wield to take back our territory and protect it from further onslaught.

Finally, we are given an understanding of true forgiveness from the heart toward others, from God and to self as being the basis of our freedom in Christ. Forgiveness opens the door to healing because it allows relationship. We are healed through our relationships to God, others and ourselves.

Next, we move on to Foundational Ministry Areas. These are presented in the order that they are usually addressed in the ministry process. They are “Sins of the Fathers and Resulting Curses” (SOFCs), Ungodly Beliefs (UGs) that need exchanging for Godly Beliefs (GBs), Soul/Spirit Hurts (SSHs) which pertains to restoring “broken hearts” and deliverance from Demonic Oppression (DO). The purpose of the foundational ministry areas is to recover legal ground previously given over to the enemy. Although the four ministry areas are presented separately, it is important to realize they are interrelated and therefore necessary to address each one in the same general period of time to ensure healing and freedom that lasts.

God wants to bring us out of SOFCs and into his family line where he is our Abba Father and no hurts or sinful heritage exists. He wants to bring us out of UGBs and renew our minds so we can think and act like Him and agree with His word. He wants to deliver us from the traps of Satan and bring us into His protection.

The Kylstras present Foundational Applications starting with Soul Ties followed by Demonic Strongholds and “super strongholds.” Un-Godly Soul ties are emotional and spiritual connections with another person that are perverted, dysfunctional and or sexual in nature. The connections are of a covenant nature, which binds the participants together. Demonic Strongholds are structures built upon the foundation provided by SOFCs with the building materials of self-sins, UGBs, SSHs and demons. The structure must be identified, disassembled and demolished one section at a time by the direction of the Holy Spirit using the repetitive application of the RTF ministry steps.

This book is a battle manual for extracting captives from the enemy’s hands and helping them become healed, free, active and able soldiers in the kingdom of God. Using the examples of Moses, David, Jacob, Jesus and others from scripture, we are shown repeatedly the cause and effect of sin along with God’s remedy. Everything taught is backed up by scripture rather than hype or theory as might be found in a secular manual.

The authors intersperse their instruction with case history examples from their own notes, that help the reader apply new knowledge to “real-life” situations, but it is done in a way that always keeps the emphasis on God’s power and ability rather than the “expertise” of the minister. They make it clear that during RTF ministry, the minister’s job is to work with God as He leads. The minister is totally reliant on God to do the work. The manual offers the minister a place to start but it is not a fail-safe method. God alone fosters the success. Our job is to pray and be obedient to God’s leading.

According to the Kylstras, God wants us to come into maturity as believers. He wants us to enforce His victory over darkness and the grave. He wants us to “know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. He wants us to appropriate all that He has given us, possessing what is rightfully ours with power and authority. Satan has come to “steal, kill and destroy” and demons are the instruments through which he does much of his work. The battle is a real life and death struggle. As an instruction manual, their book is an excellent place to gain wisdom and understanding for ourselves, first as we seek to become what God intended and second as we seek to lead others in the same direction. Every page is filled with pertinent information and should be considered an absolute treasure to those who desire to share “the good news”, that Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy, with a hurting world.

Of course, the Holy Spirit can lead wherever He chooses and the participants should always remember that His is the only agenda that matters. Last, but hardly least is the inclusion of the ministry card that summarizes all the steps for each of the four Problem/Ministry Areas. With this card, even the newest of ministers can be confident that they will not mistakenly leave out part of the process thereby doing the receiver some injustice, either real or imagined. The Kylstras really have done their homework, and it shows throughout this book.

Epic Battles of the Last Days
Intercession or Accusation?

I would like to share some thoughts that were inspired by this read. Rick Joyner said, "Scriptures reveal that there are two things which go on continually before the throne of God: intercession and accusation." Jesus "always lives to make intercession" for us. Heb.7:25 Satan is called "the accuser of our brethren... who accuses them before God day and night." Mark11:17 We are either an expression of Jesus, to love our brothers in intercession, or an expression of Satan, to accuse them when we think they have failed.

Demons are most successful when they can use us to do their work of accusation Their desire is to find people who will allow them to speak through them, to accuse and damage other people. Will we choose to listen to accusations and become a medium to voice them? Will we choose to be an expression of Jesus our intercessor who forever lays down His life that others may prosper?

Demons know that they must divide us to weaken us or they will be defeated. If only two of us in agreement, can put ten thousand to flight (Deut.32:20), Christians who are in harmony are very dangerous. I have heard it said that witches are afraid of Christians who know who they are in Christ, because then they know their authority over demonic powers.

Satan is not omnipresent, so the only way he can accuse us before the throne day and night, is to use us to do his work. He preys on insecure people who will criticize members of their own body in order to gain position or control. If he can speak accusations through the leadership, others will follow their example. When we are used to criticize others, to promote ourselves, we actually lose ground, because it is Jesus who exalts and prospers. James 4:6 "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble."

Our Heavenly Father is committed to protecting His children and His investments in their hearts and lives. He takes these assaults personally as if it had been done unto Him. He does not appreciate accusers slandering His handiwork in us. Ultimately, accusers are accusing God the Father.

How much better, to remember who we are in Christ. We are ministers -- servants to those who are in need. We are to partner with Jesus to reconcile people to Himself and to each other.

ll Cor.5:19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins
against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.

Most people can identify and criticize the weakness of others; that is no great talent. How many have a heart to restore another when they need it most? How many really believe that Jesus does restore 100%? Or do we put them on a shelf, punish those who slip or say they can only enjoy God's plan B now, with no hope?

ll Gal.6:1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should
restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.

It all comes down to who we believe Jesus Christ is.....

Does Jesus commit to restore us 100% is we will cooperate with Him?

Does He really forgive and forget all accusations even when we were guilty?

Does He call those who have experiences failure or assign them to plan B?

Can He really redeem ANY experience for the good and His glory?

If you believe that the blood of Jesus has not lost its power, that he can still take a Mary Magdeline, deliver her and make her part of the ministry team.... Then make a fresh commitment to "Love covers a multitude of sins." l Peter 4:8 Learn to discern without adding your own interpretation or condemnation. Lets have the heart of a true minister who serves and is more interested in building up others than himself.

If you liked this, buy Rick Joyner's book: "Epic Battles of the Last Days"

"The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere

If only I had read this book ten years ago! How much deception could I have possibly avoided? How many pity parties would have been left unattended! Explanatory and convicting, the experience of reading it was truly bittersweet. It actually felt very autobiographical. Surely churches could institute required reading lists!

Inherent in the definition of deception is that you do not know it is being done to you. Satan is commonly known as the “master of deception”, and less commonly recognized for his mastery in his use of skandalon. What a painful reality this is.

Blindness and self-centeredness result from taking up an offense. As we focus on the faults of others to the exclusion of self-evaluation, much fruit results, but not fruits of righteousness. The enemy means it for separation, hurt, anger, strife, jealousy etc., yet the Lord desires us to see our true condition. God allows the fire of hurtful, difficult experiences to burn off our dross and purify our gold.

After an offense many of us become inward and guarded, unconditional love becomes impossible because we will not risk being hurt. Our love grows cold. The walls we erect for our protection from further hurt become our prison instead. Doubt and unbelief begin to prevail. Doubts about God’s goodness arise as we filter everything through hurts of the past and experiences of rejection. Believing God becomes harder and harder. We become unable to function in our calling, incapable of reaching our full potential because of wounds and offenses.

When we see flaws in leaders we judge and criticize, then we run away from the difficulty. Our enemy has garnered another success in uprooting us from the place of God’s planting. Eventually we become isolated, escaping the test. Conflict is temporarily avoided, relationships are severed instead of reconciled, character development is derailed and the cycle begins all over again.

What a comfort to know it was God who put David under Saul and Samuel under Eli. God allows our sifting for our good. The test – shall we become like our offenders? Shall we assume God’s prerogative in judging and correcting our offender? What a comfort that “we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices.”

Oh Lord, may we learn obedience through our hardships and acknowledging our pain. Grant me humility and selflessness that pursues peace with all men. Help me, God, to fulfill my ministry of reconciliation before You. As you have forgiven me, may I forgive also and allow you the place of Judge, Defender and Avenger. Please heal my heart and fill it with a fervent love for others. Enable me, Father, to walk in mature love that loves beyond perceived perfection in another. May I love with the same intensity after their sin and frailties have come to light. For this is how You love me.

Anonymous Student:
Training for Restoration Prayer Ministry


Transforming the Inner Man

By John and Paula Sandford

John Sandford¹s call to the inner healing ministry began shortly after he met Agnes Sanford in 1961. She had prayed for healing of his back by praying for the Lord to enable him to forgive his mother! In 1963, he joined Agnes as a teacher in many seminars and grew in his insights concerning complete transformation and sanctification of the Church, realizing that is what was most missing in the lives of Christians.

He went through a 7-year period where the Lord was refining his methods of ministry
until he finally realized that the Lord wasn¹t going to change him and make him better - the Lord wanted him to be completely brought to death and then made new! After John and Paula were married, they joined together in continuation and growth of the ministry, eventually developing what is now known as ³Elijah House² and authoring several books on inner healing and restoration, as well as holding seminars and training.

In this book, clarification was given about the differences between ³transformation² and ³sanctification² - many Christians mistakenly believing they were one and the same. Sanctification is the rebirth experience of accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. Transformation is the complete death of self and renewal by the Holy Spirit into the fullness of being one with God and with others. It is the process of allowing our weaknesses to be made into our strengths, our mess into glory. Because of what we used to be, we are now able to minister to others in those areas.

To go from having an unbelieving heart to a believing one, the old seeds that the enemy planted in us have to be plowed up; fruits that have grown from them need to be rooted out and tossed aside so the heart can be prepared for the new seeds of truth within us that the Lord wants to grow into good fruit. Our hidden and forgotten judgments, especially against our parents, prevent us from seeing God as He truly is. Not until we have forgiven our fathers, can we see God as a loving presence in our lives instead of a stern, judgmental one. Our hearts see God through our parents¹ mannerisms, especially through our fathers.

One constant problem Christians have is to keep falling back into striving to perform to earn the Lord¹s acceptance. ³Performance Orientation² is a term that describes the false motivation that compels us to keep performing to win love and approval. It says, ³If I don¹t do right, I won¹t be loved.² The stance of performance oriented people is not restful acceptance and confidence, but rather constant anxiety, fear, and striving. This comes from not being loved unconditionally in childhood and, therefore, not being able to believe we are loved unconditionally by God (or others in our lives). The result is that our inner being quits trying and dies, while our outer self goes on performing - never reaching the ³abundant life².

The main underlying factor in performance orientation is FEAR - fear of what others will think, fear of rejection, fear of failure - wanting to know all the ³rules² ahead of time so you can stay in control of your environment. This takes away from being able to be spontaneous or just have fun - everything is rigid and planned. Performance oriented people usually lose their true identity due to becoming what everyone else wants them to be. Learning to simply receive God¹s love and acceptance as being unconditional is the only way to be set free from this striving.

Forgiveness is crucial in order for inner healing to take place. The blood of Jesus is what brings forth the power of forgiveness. The Word renews the mind, but it is the blood that heals the heart. We need to apply the blood to the heart through prayer each time we pray for inner healing. The biggest hurdle to overcome is to really believe we are holding resentments or have lied to ourselves and forgotten. The answer is simple - if the problem is still there, forgiveness is not complete! The book explains all the specific problems that each stage of life can bring about if the child is not properly received, loved, accepted, and nurtured by the parents.

Repeated wounding and repeated sinful reactions to hurts result in habits of responding to life in either defensive or hurtfully aggressive ways. However, Jesus can touch, heal, and transform everything in our past that has shaped us and driven us from within since our early years. He does not erase our past, but rather transforms every experience into strength, understanding, compassion, and healing!

Quite fascinating to me was the section on ³Bitter-Root Judgment and Expectancy². The law of sowing and reaping, as well as ³Judge not, that you be not judged... and the measure you give will be the measure you get² takes those areas in which we sowed or judged and cause us to now reap the same thing until we repent of those things! Examples were given of people who had judged their parents for a certain behavior or aspect of their personalities and then when they got married, their spouses did the same
things! ³Bitter-root expectancy² is when you already expect someone to act the way someone else did (or the way they ³used to act²) - for example, a mother who is controlling can lead to the son expecting his WIFE to also be controlling, and that expectancy can then actually cause her to be that way!

In the section on ³Sexual Sins and Difficulties² it was explained that we are born possessing a spirit which does not yet know how to love another and that our fathers are primarily the ones who call forth that life within us and shape it. We have to receive large amounts of love and affection as babies and be drawn forth to love. The ability to fully enjoy sex is either enabled or destroyed before the age of six! Behind each sexual aberration or sin there is some type of destruction or blockage from early childhood -
no whole person falls into sexual sin, and the roots must be dug out and destroyed and replaced with the pure love of the Father in order for restoration to take place in that area.

Once inner healing has taken place in any area, in order to hold onto our healing, we have to stand on faith. We need to continue to reckon as dead those things we have been set free from, even when they rear their ugly heads again! This doesn¹t mean the healing didn¹t work - but that we have to continue to claim the fact of our healing by guarding what we think, feel, say, or do. Once we have taken these things to the cross and crucified them, they no longer have any power over us; but if we believe they still have life, and get back into struggling with them, we can give them false power over us and fight them all over again! All we have to do instead is to say, ³I don¹t have to have (or do) that anymore. That is dead.² Then we can go on with our lives ignoring those thoughts and feelings from that point on.

The book applied to me directly in many ways! I realized that my father had rarely noticed me or what I was doing and I so yearned to be noticed! I have subconsciously been believing that God also doesn¹t notice me - now I know He does and always has! I could not see God¹s gentle, loving, and giving nature. The section on ³Performance Orientation² really hit home for me and showed me how to be set free from this behavior.

Also, the book shed some light on my struggles with overeating when it said that sometimes when a mother doesn¹t breast feed her child or if her milk lacked nutrients, the child was fed but not satisfied! This repeated disappointment can then register in the child¹s inner being not to expect to have her needs met in a rich way and can also lead to a vague fear and to have an inner drive to search or strive beyond necessity, and yet to never believe she has ³enough². This may also cause the adult child to have unidentified senses of hunger, insecurity, rejection, anger, and emptiness.

I really enjoyed reading and studying this book. It really is the most thorough book I have read on inner healing (I used up 3 highlighters!), and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is seeking inner healing for themselves or who are considering a ministry in inner healing!