Ready to Work Together?
to Fulfill the Great Commission
in Our Life-Time?
Want to unite to establish an
International Ministry Training Center? Should it be in
the US or overseas? Are you ready to work together?
Click to
schedule a seminar or training school in your city.
I was never
able to escape the Great Commission once Campus
Crusade for Christ made it clear to me. I was on their
staff years ago and learned how to help fulfill the
Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit. I
learned to share Christ, to lead others to be filled
with the Holy Spirit and to make disciples. The more I
shared Christ on Georgia Tech Campus, the more I fell in
love with Jesus. He really makes sense. Most people
don't know who Jesus really is but they want to know
Jesus gave the
Great Commission to every believer. Jesus wants
every Christian to make it a priority to help fulfill
the Great Commission. Personally, I believe our position
in the Millennium and in Heaven will be directly related
to our commitment to help fulfill the Great Commission.
Our reward will be proportional to the investment of our
lives, gifts, talents and assets into God's Kingdom as
we obey our Great Commission. Unfortunately, most
believers just want to be raptured without obeying.
The Great
Commission is His command to take the gospel to
every person throughout the world, to teach them and
make disciples in all nations. He said we would do
greater works than He did, as He lives through us.
Matt 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,
"All authority has been given to
Me in heaven and on earth. Go
therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, 20 teaching
them to observe all things that I have commanded you;
and lo, I am
with you always, even to the end of the age."
Amen. NKJV
After Jesus
gave the Great Commission, He gave the Holy Spirit
on Pentecost (Acts 1-2) empowering the disciples to be
witnesses. They went out boldly to proclaim the message
of God's love and forgiveness in Christ and 3,000
believed in one day. The same disciples who had denied
Jesus at the crucifixion, were now willing to die for
this Great Commission because they were filled with the
Holy Spirit and His power to witness.
Why should we help fulfill
the Great Commission now?
Christ commanded
us to go.
Christ's love compels us to go.
People are lost without Jesus.
People are hungry to know Him.
The Holy Spirit empowers to go.
They were commanded to go from Jerusalem to the whole world.
It seems a little over-whelming to think that we are
commanded to reach the world. How can we possibly do it?
When you
win one person to Christ, that is spiritual ADDITION. But
when you disciple that new Christian and teaching him to
win, disciple and send others who will do the same to win
and disciple others, who will win others, that is
MULTIPLICATION. Dr. Bill Bright always said the world could
be won in 32 years if each one discipled one each year
because of the laws of multiplication. It's true and Jesus
really expects us to share Christ with all nations before He
Then God gave me a
dream. I saw a long computer USB cord going from my
spirit to metal prongs (like a leaf rake) to every nation in
the world. Everywhere the prongs touched down, God's love
and power exploded.
A quicker way is to disciple national spiritual leaders
in all nations so that they can better reach
their own nation with the Good News. As they disciple
other disciples to do the same - generation after
generation - through the process of spiritual
multiplication - they will win their own nation faster
than any outsiders could.
How can little
old us disciple leaders in all nations? We really
can do greater works than Jesus when we reach the world
with the Internet and media (as He does it through us.)
As we post teaching and training classes on the
Internet, we reach 94 nations. What better way can YOU
win more people that partnering together with an
Internet outreach? Even if you go yourself, you will not
touch as many lives.
Committed Christians will not be satisfied and
fulfilled until they obey Jesus and team together
with other Christians to help fulfill the Great
Commission in some way. He called each of us to help
reach the world in some way as we "forsake all and
follow Christ." It is never enough to just sit, soak and
sour in a church without reaching out to the lost in the
The Great
Commission can be fulfilled in our life-time as each
of us recognize our individual call to either pray,
pay, go as a team player or all three, as God leads.
The command is real and we are all critically important
to fulfill the commission. How is God calling you to GO?
- Prayer -
receive prayer request and intercede
- Payer -
give regularly so others can go
- Player -
commit to be trained to go
Our world
vision is to provide teaching and training
to nationals to equip them to make disciples in
their own nation, who will be faithful to
disciple others. God has called us to be
reproducers of reproducers of reproducers.
If you
commit to partner with us to train national
leaders, you will receive just as much reward no
matter whether you are a prayer, payer or a team
player who goes ... or all three.
Will you
if we can count on you to either pray, pay
or to be a team player? If you volunteer to pray
for us, we want to send you prayer requests and
want to receive input from you after you pray.
If you commit to give regularly, it will be tax
deductible. If you want to go on missions trips,
write and introduce yourself and share your
vision and availability.
If we had more serious intercessors, givers
and volunteers to witness with us, we could
accomplish sooo much more. We are not a mega
ministry and we are only as strong as our teams
of volunteers. (I work 90 hours a week for
minimum wage because we are in such desperate
need of prayer, payers and players.) WILL
2 Tim
2:2 And the things that you have heard from me
many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who
will be able
to teach others also. NKJV
Christian believer can become a prayer, payer or
team player with Cross Walk Life and help us
to teach and train leaders in 94 nations. See
our video presentation at
for more information about how we fulfill the
Great Commission.