My favorite
thing about
Restoration Prayer Ministry
is that it is not a
new gimmick or method, with an agenda of steps or lists. It
is a simple meeting with Truth, a touch, a vision or healing
encounter. It is increasing trust and learning to relate to
God's power on an ongoing basis. It is not a new dependence
on a Christian counselor, but learning to relate to God in
supernatural ways, as a lifestyle.
These testimonies are all recent
except for the first one. It is one of my (Carlotta
Waldmann's) favorite sessions of all time, because God
responded in writing. It actually happened in 1997:
She reported: God took me back
to years ago, when my daughter was missing for 6 weeks. My
husband, an abusive alcoholic, was worse than no support at
all. When I found out that she had been brutally murdered,
it damaged my ability to trust God. My passion had always
been for worshipping God, in song and in dance. I felt that
Jesus wanted to heal me and He actually asked me to dance
with Him. As I doodled, I drew a stick figure of myself
dancing, but my heart was too broken; I couldn't draw Jesus
in. I couldn't dance with Him.
Now years later, Jesus was asking me to dance with Him
again. I looked in my wallet to find that scrap of paper of
that simple drawing, from years ago. I gasped when I saw it.
Today, Jesus had drawn Himself in - dancing with me. I
promise you: I did not draw it. Jesus drew it. He wants to
dance with me and complete my healing.
Covered with green slime:
I really wasn't trying to make a vision from Jesus
happen, but it did. Jesus took me to a dark igloo like place
that was deep down in my heart. A younger me was at the door
and definitely did not think it was a good idea to let Jesus
in there. I persuaded him and opened the door. Inside the
walls were completely lined with shelves that were loaded
with green slime, like in the Ghost Busters movie. I knew
that Jesus wanted to clean the room up and that represented
cleaning my heart. I gave him permission and he began. He
not only removed the slime, he removed the shelves and then
he removed all the walls. Suddenly, I could see the whole
world outside. I knew that I was free.
My identity and trust
"I have to give honor and thanks
to God for changing my life. Through Restoration
Prayer Ministry, at Cross Walk Life, he
revealed things to me that I have had suppressed for years.
I discovered that I have had a 14 year old side of me that
has dominated my life for 18 years. At 14, I became the
provider for my family of five. For the next 12 years, I
felt like I had to do everything and regardless of what I
did, it was not good enough. I always felt the need to prove
myself as a strong young man and to earn respect.
I grew up fast with many responsibilities and had no
one to depend on or to instruct me. I missed my childhood
and learned to depend on myself instead of God. I was always
wanting to be in control of everything.
Restoration Prayer Ministry showed me
that my true identity is not based on how others perceived
me, but in God's Truth about me. As I allowed Truth to touch
the 14 year inside, God healed me and restored my ability to
Open visions of healing during
(Carlotta: I silently prayed for this young man without
telling him a word about visions and God did it all. In
fact, he continues to have frequent spontaneous visions
since then.) He reported: While I was worshipping at our
home group, God suddenly gave me an open vision, taking me
down a deep dark tunnel, to a room inside myself that I
didn't even know existed. It was where a "little version of
me" lived who had been hurt and was hiding in shame for many
years. I knew that it was up to me to choose to open the
door and allow Jesus to come into that room. Jesus cleaned
the room, touched me and set me free to become all that I am
destined to become. Praise God! This is a day of suddenlies!
Freedom from defensiveness with my
"Although I had already had other types of counseling
for these same things, Restoration Prayer Ministry at Cross
Walk Life set me free in three stages of my life.
At age 7, I was angry because my parents were alcoholics and
were mentally abusive. At age 12, I was molested by my
cousin and was overcome by shame, guilt and fear. These
little ones inside put up walls of defense that still
separated me from God as an adult. Even now, I have been
afraid to totally trust him.
Restoration Prayer Ministry helped me to let go of a pride
that I wasn't aware of, trying to control everything and the
need to be defensive. I was able to recognize and deal with
defensive walls (of indifference and stubbornness) that I
would put up when things didn't go my way.
Actually, I was surprised to find out that these were the
same areas that I have been dealing with in my children!
Thank you for the freedom that truth brings!"