Healing Your Identity
Healing you with this 14 part DVD series
Carlotta Waldmann is invited to ministries to hold
staff training workshops and to minister to the
staff with individual Restoration Prayer Ministry
and personal prophetic prayer ministry. This 14 part
DVD series was recorded in Ga. for the staff of
Cheerful Hearts Ministry and includes teachings from
the workshop, two sessions of personal prophetic
prayer ministry, testimonies and a skit about our
new identity when we are one with Christ.
is an IN DEPTH menu for mature ministers:
Identity changes when we are born again
Little recognized Spiritual Principles
Satan's deceptions about Identity
Ungodly soul ties tie us up
to identify deceptions
Fleshly inner vows stunt growth
Questions about writing godly beliefs
Inviting Jesus to heal our hurts in person
Deliverance from habits and bondages
Testimonies after praying
Personal prophetic prayer ministry
Skit: One With Father, Son and Spirit
Yes, send me the Healing Your Identity
DVD series today!
ONLY $19.95 USD + S&H
Shipping within USA only = $2.55;
Call 850-830-8584 for more info.
Outside the USA - Please buy
Tearing Down Personal Strongholds
Be healed and set free as you "pray scripture!"
1998, Carlotta studied the works of 12 famous
authors, prayed their scriptures and was healed of
24 illnesses. Now she is sharing her notes and book
reviews for you to use (not to reproduce for sale.)
This computer CD includes 10 teachings, 15
hours of audio in MP3 format, a printable 74
page scripture praying manual
as a
doc file
Carlotta's testimony of divine healing through
Tearing Down Personal Strongholds.
Tearing Down Personal Strongholds will give you the
strategy you need to overcome strongholds such as
incurable illness, unforgiveness, anger, separated
thinking, jealousy, doubt, unworthiness, performance
based acceptance, rejection, fear, intimidation,
accusation, witchcraft, religious control and pride.
Contact us for your test and requirements if you
desire a certificate of completion. Students taking
this as an online Bible College course will have
access to our
Declare and decree the truths of the Kingdom of
God! Pray according to God's Word as you join
with other prayer strategy groups. Please share your
results with us.
First, open your computer CD as a doc file
and print the 74 page scripture prayer manual.
Second, hear teachings as you open CD as media.
Third, be healed and set free as you pray the
scripture strategy with all 10 teachings!!
Yes, send me the Tearing Down Personal Strongholds
computer CD today!
A Sin
or Stronghold?
A Divine Nature?
Separated Thinking
One Spirit with Him
Bitterness Stronghold
Anger Ladder
Breaking Soul Power
Jealousy and Envy
Doubt and Unbelief
Early Wounds / Sins
Cycles of Rejection
Spirits of Fear
Spirits of Infirmity
Power of Intimidation
Power of Illusions
Accusation or Intercession?
Deliverance and Freedom
Religious Spirits
Charismatic Witchcraft
Leviathan, King of Pride
Who Am I?