the cycle and figure out why it keeps happening?
friends why authorities figures treat you that way?
Ask God
if this person is a mirror of your own behavior?
Try to
perform better or please them until they accept you?
a meeting to ask them what their problem is?
How do you
change the cycle from negative to positive?
the positive until the negative weakens?
to self-improve until you overcome the cycle?
Beg God
to change the difficult authority figures?
Ask God
if you have dishonored authority figures?
Take a
poll to see how many others feel the same way?
Many people today, do not understand
"cause and effect." They think that even long
term patterns in their life just come out of the blue. They
are sure that they are the victim. If there is a long term
negative pattern in your life, the Bible says to ask God
because it is not there without a cause. (Prov. 26:2) Where
there is lots of bad fruit, there is a bad root. My
counselor told me that if the bad fruit is on my tree, the
bad root is on my tree also.
I didn't like that answer at first.
I just knew I was the innocent victim and wanted to
blame the insensitive authority figures. However, if you are
part of the cause, you also have power and some control so
you can also be part of a solution. I was sure that I was
only a very small part of the cause. It couldn't be that I
was in a sowing and reaping cycle.
As you hear this video/audio,
you will be encouraged to learn how to pray inviting
the Holy Spirit to tell you what the root causes are. You
can pray this prayer effectively whether the other parties
involved cooperate or not. I, Carlotta, will share 5 keys to
closing the doors to this cycle forever - unless you decide
to open them again.
This prayer is also an excellent
maintenance prayer after receiving
Restoration Prayer
Ministry. Being healed, delivered and baptized in the
Holy Spirit is only the beginning. We have to learn to pray,
"It is written ..." daily and to stay in agreement with God
in order to maintain our freedom and to take all that God
has promised us.
So, if you have already received
effective prayer ministry
with others or with us, please listen to this
teaching and remember how to maintain your freedom. You can
continue to take back all that the enemy has stolen from you
and walk in all that God has promised you if you will pray
this prayer as a life-style. Search my heart, Oh God! Ps 51
Click here for the prayer
Tearing Down Personal
Strongholds COURSE and Manual
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