What is Healing Hurts with
Restoration Prayer Ministry Like?
Waldmann: "I believe that the Passion of
Christ is to visit us with His
presence and power every day. God became
man, as Jesus Christ, so that we could know
Him in Spirit and Truth. His passion is not
only to indwell us but to live His
supernatural life through us. In St. John
17, Jesus prayed that we would be one with
Him as He is one with the Father, partnering
with Him to demonstrate His love and power
to a hungry world. He went through every
challenge, trial and trauma that we would
ever experience and is here healing our
hurts, reveal our true identity, to melt our
walls and to anoint us for supernatural
destiny and fulfillment." (Read the book of
St. John in the New Testament)
At Cross Walk
Life, we partner with Jesus Christ
to "prepare the way," to provide a place
for you to receive wisdom and insight so
that you can learn how to develop and
intimate relationship with Father God and to
meet with Jesus Christ in a personal way -
everyday! We find that Jesus is coming into
our healing hurts sessions personally to
help us to have open spiritual eyes and to
heal and restore our true identity based on
His Truth.
We are here
to provide Restoration Prayer Counseling
In person
here at Cross Walk Life, in
Tallahassee Florida
By phone or
free with Skype.com
(with or without web
On site, at
your home or ministry location
In our
healing hurts sessions, you will learn
how to invite Jesus Christ, the Spirit of
Truth, to come personally, to set you free
from the blocks, pain, fear or walls that
have held you back. Wouldn't you like to
have a life-style of experiencing the
presence of Jesus and allowing Him to open
your spiritual eyes and to enable you to be
all that He created you to be?
As stress and anxiety increase, many become
victims of burn-out, abuse, depression,
divorce, or death, by suicide or cancer.
Others are addicted to computer games,
pornography, drugs, alcohol or become
workaholics. If you tried religion and
didn't find the real Jesus, come to Cross
Walk Life. The passion of the Christ is to
visit us and teach us how to have a
supernatural personal relationship with Him!
We are simply prayer counselors who will
help you to experience healing and
restoration in your relationships with
others, with God and your true identity.
Healing hurts
is not leading with visualization,
psychology, medicine, guided imagery,
hypnosis, teaching, analytic counseling or
new age. It is a spiritual meeting with
Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Truth, who
exposes the lies that have imprisoned you
and brings truth to make you free. Would you
like to be fulfilled personally, in
relationships and professionally? Jesus came
to live inside of us and to equip us to
fulfill our destiny with power. Our prayer
counselors want to help you to have
spiritual eyes so that you can see Him
and know Him more personally.
Jesus Christ
wants to come and show us how to commune
with Him so that we can know Him and
receive daily revelation, His wisdom, new
understanding and enlightenment, new vision
and hope in our calling, His anointing and
glory, His mighty power, healing,
restoration and to transform us into His
image. Let Jesus Christ impart new faith to
you through prayer counseling ministry. As
you believe and receive His Word about who
you are, you will be fulfilled in your true
identity. (Read Ephesians 1)
Many times it is
not until when we come to a painful or
challenging cross walk in life
and we are overloaded emotionally, that we
begin to recognize that there are areas in
our life that still need healing. Doing
things our way, in our own strength, isn't
cutting it. As prayer counselors at Cross
Walk Life, we hope to offer new life
into those areas through healing hurts.
Our personal growth
is usually blocked when we experience hurt
and trauma. It is during these times that we
begin to believe lies about ourselves,
others and God. The more lies we believe,
the more negative expectations we have. The
more negative expectations, the more
negative experiences we have. We begin to
feel separated from ourselves, from others
and from God. We can become
defensive and
develop walls to shield ourselves from more
pain or from
fears, rejection or criticism.
Prayer Ministry
is effective in bringing truth and
healing hurts in any area that needs
healing. God will quickly remove the lies
and replace your defensiveness with genuine
safety based on Truth. Through Prayer
Counseling Ministry, Truth will transform
you with your true identity, tear down your
blocks to success and enable you to focus
your renewed energy on fulfilling your God
given destiny. Come to the Cross Walk Life
for just three days and find your true
identity based on God's Truth about you. You
can also schedule your RPM sessions over the
phone. See more info at
RPM at CWL or by Phone
The prophet
Samuel anointed a shepherd boy to be the
future King of Israel. Even though David was
chosen by God, he still experienced testing
in the cave of Adullam, as God shaped
him for his calling. (l Sam.22, ll Sam.23,
Ps.142) If you have felt like parts of you
are still in a dark cave trying to get out,
take heart. God is still in the business of
making shepherds into Kings! God is calling
you from the person you thought you should
be, to the person He has called you to be.
These areas
can be healed and restored again
(without analyzing or reliving the painful
experiences) through Restoration Prayer
Ministry sessions. As you invite
the Spirit of Truth to touch these
areas, He will heal them and set you free.
You will quickly experience new health and
harmony with your body, soul and spirit.
This will result a new harmony between you
and yourself and with others and with God.
Waldmann has a
Whole-istic approach: we will impart to you
in many ways, healing you from the inside
out. Whether
you are an unbeliever or the minister, you
will find that you will be more prosperous
when you are in harmony in all three parts
of your being: body, soul and spirit. Click
below to find out more about:
your soul and
spirit with new vision and purpose
your body,
image, countenance and wardrobe
relationships with yourself, others
and God
Your Restoration
Prayer Ministry sessions at Cross Walk Life,
may be the first day of the rest of your
life! Find out about Restoring your soul and
spirit next.