following comments were taken straight from comments that
our students submitted after our courses, counseling or
training seminars.
I wanted to say thank you again, Carlotta and Lou. I
thought I was free before, but I am entering into a
whole new level of intimacy and power. My love for my
wife and sons is really great. Thank you so much for
taking time. You have not only touched me, but my entire
family. It will also spill over into other lives that I
touch by the power of Jesus Christ. I must go now. I
weep but it is with thankfulness unto God. Jesus, you
are my love of my life. Thank you for your servants.
They are precious to me. A "New" Pastor, in Christ
The unloving spirit stronghold study has revealed how I
have not been believing the Word of God in key areas of
life. I have been believing the lies told by self-pity,
rejection, inferiority, etc. Knowing that truth should
be vertical - God's truth about me - and not horizontal
(other's opinions, favor, love, etc.) has revealed how
much plain old idolatry I had in my life. I was putting
more importance on what others thought than on what God
says about me, but didn't seem to know it.
At the class where we sang the Alleluia's - I really
FELT God touching my voice... All of a sudden it didn't
sound like MY voice singing at all - it was my voice,
but different somehow. I felt like I was listening to
someone else singing out of my own mouth! I wasn't sure
this really happened until the next time I put in a
praise CD in the car and started singing with it. My
voice still sounded the way it did that day - and it
still does even now! It's hard to explain - a much
"fuller" sound is coming out of my mouth now when I sing
(when He sings through me rather!)... And I do really
believe that He is leading me and preparing me for
something new. I heard Him tell me He's doing a "new
thing" in me and that I will sing a "new song". You have
also confirmed this and so has one other person that I
really trust to hear God's voice... So I know it's
abused myself with crack cocaine. I saw myself as the most
unworthy enraged creature of all. All of those whose
approval I wanted were dead and the ones who were alive
pushed me away.
As a Christian, at times, I saw myself as being of little
value. Although God had called me, I didn't get the approval
of those who were in Christ. Even though I knew to show
myself "approved unto God" my self-esteem was lacking.
As of taking this class, I have been released to focus on
the Word of God and the truth of the Holy Spirit. To God, I
have great value in His Kingdom. I can take joy that even
though I may not make it as "High Priest," I can "carry
tabernacle poles" with as much Godly pride as a High Priest
who offers the sacrifices. Glory to God. I. B. Saved
The power of praying scripture has become more alive that
ever through this course. My choosing to agree with
scripture and allowing God to reveal the lies I have been
believing, is bringing deep peace. Now I have sweet
fellowship with Him, myself and others. My husband
definitely sees change in me as I take these old mindsets
and strongholds of thinking to the cross of Jesus and
embrace my true identity in Christ.
I have a major praise I should share with you... I haven't
been able to travel on a plane since getting sick 13 years
ago - but next week, we're going to fly to Chicago to see my
Great-Aunt who is now 88! Never would I have been able to do
this without God's awesome healing power and all the changes
He's made in my life over the past 2 years!
God Bless you for your part in this :-)
Since we started this class, I have been receiving more
and more peace and victory in my life! I am finally starting
to really believe that I am okay and that God really
does love me and provide for me! He really is nicer
than we think!
This week, while praying about being at peace with
others around me and being a peacemaker, I was convicted of
falling short with my daughter. When her tone of voice or
attitude was disrespectful, my response was not to respond
or to get angry. That only further frustrated her and
increased the level of contention. Obviously, I was acting
not as a peacemaker, if my lack of response only seemed to
inflame her behavior. Now, I am trying to refrain from
joining with her in contention.
I have been praying
for almost 5 years concerning my inordinate desire to please
people, performance orientation, rejection issues and more.
The Lord has used the scriptures in our assignments to show
me the spiritual roots of these issues. I have finally had
these prayer answered as God has revealed the reasons for
these attitudes and behaviors! "Transformed"
This class has made me realize the need for prayer
counseling. Christians around the world can be taught to
minister to other Christians. I had been to a secular
counselor and became more confused than I was before I went.
I could not only have saved money, but could have had a
closer relationship with God. Now I know how to trace from
the "fruit to the root" and knowing the root of the matter
can start real change in one's life.
I learned that condemning judgments and dishonoring of
parents can cause the problem to come back on you. Since I
have learned the
Cross Walk Prayer, I am praying it all through the day
and I am teaching it to my 3 children. We have already
experienced real change from so many things in the class. I
now say "I got the power!" [God has made it so easy: in
every area that you repent of dishonoring your parents,
those same areas will begin to go well.]
Lou and Carlotta prayed for my healing because the
Doctor had found several lumps in my breast. I was scheduled
for surgery. When I returned to the Doctor, he couldn't
believe that there were no lumps to be found. He ran
follow-up tests and they confirmed that I had been
miraculously healed by Jesus. He wants to retest again, but
I know that there won't be any need for surgery because
Jesus has touched me!
I was first introduced to the Cross Walk Prayer through a
class I was taking on prayer counseling ministry. I never
dreamed that God was using the class to help me finally
recognize the root causes of many destructive patterns in my
life. Because God reveals what he wants to heal, I am
beginning to overcome these patterns and replace old,
ungodly structures with His truths. I wish I could say that
my life is perfect now, but it's not. I still have more work
to do. But, I am learning to trust that God is faithful to
turn even the most horrible situation into something he can
use to bless me and others, if I will deal with my own
sinful reactions. Cross Walk Life has given me the tools
to deal with things on a root level and has been effective,
where secular and other Christian counseling has failed me.
I thank God for Carlotta and the ministry of CWL.
I WAS 50% OF
For years, we had strife at our house which was
devastating to all of us. We had tried deliverance and
several Christian counseling ministries, with only very
brief relief. My spouse had almost given up and I was
desperate. Then I began to understand my 50% of the problem.
I was able to get enough healing so that I could begin to
trust God with my spouse's problems as well. One of us had
to be spiritual first! The first month, I saw positive
changes in both of us even though I was the only one
receiving counseling. Now we are both moving forward in
faith and able to SOW the love into our marriage that we
have always wanted to REAP! [It works! Repent of your
judgments and dishonor of your parents so that you do not
have to reap those things anymore. Now, sow what you want to
My parents had always
been undermining and hateful to me, treating me like I was a
problem. I prayed to forgive them, release God
from blame and to forgive myself for receiving
their rejection. My mother has changed and so have I! I took
her on a day trip and we both enjoyed each other as if we
had never hated each other. I have new peace and joy. God is
truly transforming our family! I will be careful to honor my
parents from now on. (Eph.6:1-3)
I had always thought that a relative was irresponsible, lazy
and mooching off my family. I prayed to release her from my
judgments against her and asked God to forgive me for having
bitter expectations that defiled her. (Romans 2:1-4, Hebrews
12:14-15) Mom says that the relative has gotten her own
home, a job and is taking care of her children. All these
changes happened within a month of my prayer of release.
[Our judgments of other people help to keep them from
growing the very way we would like them to.]
I was not aware of how my judgments about men had affected
my marriage and my children. When I repented of judging my
husband, he became attentive immediately. When I got home
from the counseling session, he had already begun to change.
He had fed and bathed our children and had them in bed
asleep. Now he is asking me to be more involved in the
family! We are a new couple!
Hi Carlotta! More info for the
testimony of my healing... I just wanted to make sure that
it's clear that I'd had lower back pain for WEEKS and that
going to the chiropractor was not helping this time like it
usually did. I'd been on Tuesday and only hurt WORSE. Then
while sitting at your house for 3+ hours, I just KNEW it was
going to be stiff and painful when I tried to get up - and
as you know, I got up easily and with no pain!! This is
what's so amazing about this - God healed my back in a way
that I'd KNOW it was Him!
And the
testimony continues... When I woke up on Saturday, my vision
was clear - remember I told you that my chemical/allergic
reactions always included blurred vision and
foggy-headedness? Since Sat. my vision and thinking have
been CLEAR!! Even while I was at church yesterday - which is
"perfume city"!! I just kept "standing and resisting" the
temptation to think this was just a fluke and that I'd have
symptoms very soon... And it's now Monday afternoon, and I
still have no symptoms!! I don't know if this is just the
beginning of my healing, or if I'm totally healed - but
either way, I'm trusting God to bring it to completion!!!
I would highly recommend this course. It has been very
enjoyable. I only regret that we have time limitations and
that we cannot spend even more time fully digesting the
information. (We have already expanded the class from the
original 2 1/2 hours to 3 1/2 hours.)
Carlotta: This young fellow teacher passed away suddenly
during the third semester. We never know if we are one of
last influences in a person's life.