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Interview: Apostle Jim T. Davis
Author of "Redefining the Role 
of Women In the Church"

Is God raising up women as five fold ministers?
Do you agree with God's purposes for women?
Did/does God ordain women in leadership?

Apostle Jim Davis

Hear Apostle Jim Davis give concise Biblical answers to questions on this controversial but important subject. (A big thanks to Kay Price for sharing her notes on this broadcast.) A lot of us have asked these questions and not had biblical answers. What really was God’s design for women? What is a helpmeet? Are women inferior because they were created second? Are women under a curse? Does culture make a difference? Are there women leaders in the Bible? Are women more easily deceived? Are women to be silent in church and not teach? Can women have authority over men? Are there women apostles in the Bible? Is the headship of husband a dominating position? If you have ever asked these age-old questions as most of us have, get ready to hear Apostle Jim Davis answer from scripture and release God’s heart for women and men. Discover erroneous translations and interpretations of scripture.

God’s original intent for women is found in Gen. 1:26, 27. God made man (mankind) in His image. Male and female He made mankind. They were to have dominion over creation, not each other. So, right at the start, God’s design was not to subjugate (to subdue and bring under the yoke of power or dominion; to conquer by force and compel to submit to the government or absolute control of another) women. It is not God’s idea to give men dominion over women.

Dr. Davis states that this is a hard saying for insecure men who fear their position may be supplanted or surpassed. There is a second witness found to support this in Gen. 2:18, 24. This speaks of God making a help meet for man. A help meet is a helper that is appropriate for, or adequately and accurately reflects who I am and all I am; the other side of me. Jesus refers to Holy Spirit as our helper but we do not receive Him as inferior in any way. Why would we think women inferior when they are called a helper?

“Help and meet,” in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, means to surround, protect, aid, and succor. Exploring the meanings of these words inNoah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language we find:

· 1. Surround-to enclose on all sides

· 2. Protect-to cover or shield from danger or injury, to defend, to guard, to preserve in safety. (like walls protect a city).

· 3. Aid-support, assist, either by furnishing strength or means to effect a purpose, or to prevent or remove evil (the person who gives succor).

· 4. Succor-literally, to run to, or run to support; to help or relieve when in difficulty, want, or distress; to assist and deliver from suffering (the person that brings relief).

Women were not created inferior. Women were made in God’s image; equal with man, who, jointly reflect the image of God. God is Spirit which transcends male/female differentiation. Num. 23:19 God is not a man, but has been explained in human terms so we can understand. He is described in both genders, not male only or female only. The Bible uses male analogies for God such as, King, husband, and shepherd, but He is also referred to as a protective mother eagle, a she bear with cubs and a many breasted one.

The “female” references speak of mothering, maternal attitudes, and relationship with us. “Image” conveys personhood not gender. Women (and men) are relationally, spiritually, morally, and creatively like God. We have the ability to love and communicate like Him. In Nu.27:1-8 God tells Moses that women possess the same right to the family inheritance as men.

Special distinctions of women in scriptures that definitely are not in support of women being inferior are: 1. Woman was last at the cross—Mk. 15:47. 2. Woman was first at the tomb—Jn. 20:1. 3. Woman was first to proclaim the resurrection—Mt. 28:8. 3. First preacher to the Jew—Lu. 2:37, 38. 4. Attended the first prayer meeting—Ac. 1:14. 5. First to greet Christian missionaries—Ac. 16:13. 6. First European convert—Ac. 16:14, 15.

Women are no more under a curse than men are. After sin, God said that women would bring forth children in sorrow (doesn’t really say cursed but sorrow and pain is not a blessing). He also said that men would bring forth from the ground in sorrow; that the ground was cursed and in hard labor (from the sweat of his brow) he would eat bread. Gen. 3:16-18 God predicts the effect (consequences) of sin for both, in that, woman would turn in her focus to her husband. Her husband’s response would be to begin to “rule” over her, Lord over her, misusing his headship.

What used to be "one" was now two. They saw themselves as two different individuals, not as an extension of each other. Unity would then be a matter of choice, not out of complimenting the other. Regardless of curse or no curse for women or men, Gal. 3:13 makes it clear that we are redeemed from the curse of the law. Gen. 2:23 laid the foundation for regarding women as created equal, to rule or take dominion as a team, in unity and as one flesh.

Culture does make a difference in the regard that each culture will walk out the Bible truth little differently. The application of the truth will be as different as the number of different ways people would interpret the words “conservative or modest dress.” If you say that we should not adjust at all with culture, then men should still be wearing skirts as they did in New Testament times. Men and women leaders were instructed to have one spouse, one at a time, because polygamy was a legal part of their culture.

Three strong examples of women leaders in the Old Testament are:Deborah, prophetess and Judge of Israel Judges 4:4, Athaliah, Queen of Judah for 6 years 2 Kings 11:3, and Miriam, Prophetess and worship leader Mi. 6:4. Jesus Christ did more to liberate women from demonic spirits of sexism than any other person in history but the idea of women in spiritual or secular leadership was not new in the New Testament.

Women are not any more easily deceived than men. In 2 Cor. 11:3 Paul states that as the serpent deceived Eve, so the minds of the people (men and women) could be corrupted. Paul allowed the women to speak, them tells them to keep quiet. It cannot be both ways: pray and prophesy and keep quiet. 1 Cor. 11:5, 1 Cor. 14:34 So, what gives?

Paul was speaking to a specific group of people for a specific purpose. He is not commanding all women for all time, as it is NOT found in other scriptures that women shouldn’t teach. 2 Cor. 13:1 Women are told to teach their children and to teach younger women. Deut. 6:7, Tit. 2:3, 4 In the church at Ephesus, gentiles were being converted and coming into the Jewish congregation with which they were not familiar. He was telling them to keep quiet and not teach until they had learned themselves. [It could be that a woman was to ask her questions at home because men and women sat on opposite sides of the synagogue!] 1 Tim. 2; 11, 12 If women were more easily deceived, why not tell the men only to teach the children and younger women?

Women can be in authority over men as it is God who delegates authority. Eph. 1:22 Those in authority are to support, encourage, and strengthen others. It is never OK to usurp authority, be it man or woman. Usurping authority means to act as oneself independently, acting to elevate oneself above another and not assuming ones proper place. Taking authority, in an area not given by God, is usurping authority. True spiritual authority is about servant hood, not lording over someone (self-serving). Authority is delegated from Jesus but is not absolute. We do not have absolute authority over another even if we have been given authority.

Were women ever ministers to men in the New Testament?

  1. Lu. 2:36-38 Anna prophesied to baby Jesus as he entered the Temple

  2. Jn. 4:28 Samaritan woman was the first evangelist and won her city.

  3. Mt. 28:7, Lu. 24:9, Jn. 20:16 Sent by Jesus to preach the good news.

  4. Acts 2:17 Men and women will prophesy in the last days.

  5. Acts 18, 1 Cor. 16-19 Priscilla travelled with, instructed and discipled Apollos with her husband Aquila. Her name is mentioned first, indicating her prominent role. They were also leaders of a home church in Asia.

  6. Acts 21:8-9 Philip's 4 daughters were prophetesses.

  7. Romans 16:1 Phoebe was a minister in the church in Cenchrea.

  8. Rom. 16:7 Andronicus and Junia were named among "noted" apostles.

  9. Rom. 16 Paul recognized at least 7 women: Phebe, Priscilla, Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis and Julia as notable laborers of the Lord.

  10. 1 Cor. 11:4-5 Women normally prayed and prophesied in church.

  11. 1 Cor. 12, 14 Spiritual gifts were ministered by women in the church.

  12. Phil. 2 Euodias and Syntyche were leaders of the church at Philippi.

Many "gender" references in some translations have been changed to indicate maleness vs. the original neutral or feminine. Col. 4:15 Nymphas was a female home church leader (although the KJV translators erroneously translate this verse as "his church." The elder/leader of the church described in John 2 was a woman.) It is best to consult the original Greek for accuracy.

Due to their bias against women, some translators removed the feminine gender or leadership terms associated with women leaders. Greek scholar Alfred Marshall translates Rom. 16:1-2, "Now I commend to you Phoebe the sister of us, being also a minister of the church in Cenchrea, in order that herye may receive in (the) Lord worthily of the saints, and may stand by her in whatever of you she may have need thing; for indeed she a protectress of many became and of myself." The Interlinear NASB-NIV parallel New Testament in Greek and English, pg. 477. Prostatis, 4368, is defined by Thayer's Greek Definitions as "A woman set over others, a female guardian, a protectress, a patroness, caring for the affairs of others and aiding them with her resources."

Is the headship of a husband a dominant position? The position is to be as the position of Christ to the church. He is a support, a nourisher, and a builder. His consuming passion is our well being. He put the needs of the church before His very life. He said He came to serve and care for the church. It had nothing to do with ruling. He is a source of spiritual strength. The result of His headship is unity, not a hierarchy with this one on top and this one on bottom. As Father and Son are equal, so is the relationship of husband and wife. Jesus will not be exploited by God and neither should women be by their husbands. As husband and wife are compared with the relationship of Father and Son, it is one to be embraced, not feared. While some natural roles may vary, in the spiritual, men and women are created equal.

Hear MORE revelation about women in ministry in this broadcast. Click